Phan Thiet

Phan Thiet
Vinh Thuy Hotel – Construction Management
A six and half million dollar (US) design-build contract to renovate an existing, abandoned hotel to international standards. Added 2 swimming pools, provided 123 guestrooms, central air conditioning, 2 kitchen facilities, a bar, 5 massage and sauna rooms, laundry facilities, computer central music system, central satellite TV system, furniture, carpet, 2 passenger elevators, 2 service elevators, a 200 member staff eating changing facilities, a power house for electrical service, parking and a new access road.
Ocean Dunes Clubhouse – Construction Management
A half million dollar design-build contract for a new 7,000 sq. ft. clubhouse. Includes kitchen, restaurant, locker and shower rooms pro-shop, administrative office, golf cart storage and maintenance facility and staff locker rooms.